And there was life...because of you. - Fostering Family Ministries
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And there was life...because of you.

Sherry Bouquet July 01, 2022

This year we have had the blessing of beginning our Xander sensory stuffed animal distribution to children in foster care in 3 counties. Each time we have precious encounters with families and children in foster care.
A foster family picked up a couple of Xander’s for their foster children and we began to chat as I admired the sweet sleeping little baby. As they shared this new infant’s journey to their home, I suddenly realized I was privileged to witness the “rest of the story”. A story that began nearly a year before when this little one’s life had just begun.
FFM & our coalition of churches is called upon to support families in the child placing process. We were able to provide significant support to get a child to a kinship family. You all stepped up in amazing ways! As a result of that service, the door was opened to help a momma in need.
Along with other community ministries, this momma was provided with safety, shelter, and care. In that environment she discovered she was carrying a new life. In this supported environment she considered two choices.  She chose life…this life.
As I looked at that precious new baby, I realized that this story continues because of the work of churches in caring for vulnerable children and families, including first mommas and daddy’s.

This is no small task. While we are humbly grateful for the end of Roe as all life is now given the opportunity for protection, to enjoy life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness we are keenly aware it is just the beginning of the work that lies ahead those who treasure all life. 
Across the US, 75% of women who end their pregnancies said they would have chosen life if they knew they had support. How many more families in challenging circumstances, those in material poverty or women facing pregnancy alone during life’s difficulties will need the support, safety and care that allowed this woman to choose life?
It is commendable to be for life, it is more important to allow that conviction to move you to action. Which part will you play for life? Will you open your home to foster or adopt, will you help a pregnant woman in need, will you serve as a care team to support a family who fosters, a family who adopts, relatives who care for a child or a family in crisis who choses life.
Psalm 68:6, “God sets the lonely in families,” and He desires to use each of us to accomplish that task. Now is the time for your church to step into the work God has called you to do and be help provide well supported families for every child before, during and after foster care.

Join us as we work to provide a church for every child. Providing supported families until there are more families waiting for children than children waiting for families.


More Information

For Hope and a Future,

Sherry M. Bouquet
Executive Director

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