3 Ways to Share Some LOVE.
Welcome to the team for those of you who are new church champions in 2020. We are excited to launch new churches, relaunch existing churches and expand to Richland County. God is on the MOVE!
As you cultivate Foster/Kinship/Adoptive ministry in your local church consider how you can engage your church in great ways to share the love. Even as children excitedly anticipate the Valentines cards and treats from their friends, remember that our children in foster care need an extra dose of our loving care.
Use these three ways to help your church share love with foster children.
- Interest Meeting: Use one of our video resources and announce an interest meeting for prospective foster parents and volunteers. Invite veteran foster parents and experienced care team members to come and share their experience. We have requests from 2 kinship families and 2 foster families for care teams! Ashland County (near city limits, Jeromesville and Mifflin areas) An area volunteer training can be scheduled to train volunteers from multiple churches at one time.
- Card shower: Donations of gift cards for services, shopping and restaurants meet needs of kinship and foster families all year long! ORprepare a Valentine's gift box for our children's services workers, letting them know we pray for them on the front lines (goodies, snacks & cards)
- Bowling: Plan to have your volunteers help at the Family Bowling on March 21st from 3-5 at Luray Lanes in Ashland. We are inviting kinship & foster families to this annual event. It's a great way to get to know these families and show your love. We serve pizza and collect door prizes to give away at the event. Karen Laughery is the lead organizer on this event. Reach out to Holland or Karen to get more details.(holland@fosteringfamilyministries.org or klaughery@frontier.com)
Thank you for taking up the leadership of this ministry at your local church. Together we have seen a huge impact on the increasing number of families deciding to foster. More foster and kinship families feel they are not alone in their journey as they are appreciated, loved, prayed for and surrounded with a care team from a local church.
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