After 10 foster homes by the age of 8, Boone was waiting to experience a place to call forever family. There are many children like him in our community who need a home for a season or need a home for a lifetime.
One out of every 5 people in our community have considered fostering a child. If each of these become foster families we would have more homes than children in need. We could make better placements and children would not have to endure going through 10 different foster homes in a few short years.
Join our community in supporting Stand Sunday November 17th. Plan to attend the program at 4:30pm and hear Cecil and Boone share their journey. A special celebration will be held for all our volunteers and sponsors at a VIP Reception at 3:30pm.
Our goal is to raise $20,000 to fund our expanding work in our community in 2020. Praise God we are at 58% of our goal. Currently, we have $12,000. Pray for the remaining $8,000 to be pledged and or received by November 17th.
If you have ever volunteered with Fostering Family you should receive an invitation to the VIP reception.
All of our sponsors will receive tickets to the VIP reception. Prayerfully consider how you will support the needs of foster children in our community. Over 200 children are not able to stay in their own homes. Your gift helps expand foster care ministry to make a difference in a child's life.
Platinum Level $2,500 - $5,000 or more 4 tickets, sponsor ad, reserved seats
Diamond Level $1,000 4 VIP tickets, sponsor ad, reserved seats
Gold Level $500 2 VIP tickets, sponsor ad, reserved seats
Silver Level $250 2 VIP tickets, sponsor ad, reserved seats
Bronze Level $100 2 VIP tickets, sponsor ad, reserved seats
Share this opportunity, mail in your support, GIVE NOW online or contact us to request an invoice. All gifts are tax deductible. Thank you for making a difference!