Handwritten and heartfelt.
When was the last time you received a handwritten thank-you note...from a youth? If you are like the rest of the world those are becoming rare. We are blessed to receive such a note because of YOU. Your monthly, quarterly or yearly support of Fostering Family Ministries means you helped this youth.
You know how it is when a growth spurt occurs. Everything is too small. We were blessed to become aware of the need and give what you have provided to get the new shoes, pants and even underwear!
The financial gifts from our individual donors, churches, foundations and businesses has helped us meet needs right in our own community. We help churches recruit foster families and train care teams to support them which keeps our community filled with great foster families, saving our community hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Fostering and kinship care are hard work. These families appreciate the support your financial gifts make possible. We partnered with JFS to help grandparents by purchasing a $300 speech app for the grandchild they care for who is a nonverbal autistic. Now the conversation will continue all summer!
Last month we celebrated the hard work of our foster and kinship families as well as the care teams that serve them with our annual bowling party at Luray Lanes with Donna D's pizza. I wish you were beside me when each of those families thanked me over and over for the wonderful time, the service of the volunteers and the support we provide through the churches. Those thanks and the note below go to each of YOU!
Would you or your church consider becoming a regular partner with Fostering Family Ministries as we work to spread foster care ministries to more churches? A monthly gift of $25, $50 or even $100 would help a child go to camp, help a foster or kinship parent attend vital caregiving training or help us train up new volunteers to serve foster or kinship families.
THANK YOU for partnering with us in prayer, in service and with your financial gifts to make sure that there is a family and a church for every child!
For Hope and a Future,
Sherry M. Bouquet
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