Foster Care Myth #3 - Fostering Family Ministies
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Foster Care Myth #3

Sherry Bouquet October 08, 2018

Myth Busters #3

I want to foster but I don’t think it will work with my own children. You may be concerned about how your children will respond to additional children being added into your home. This is a conversation for the whole family. Keep in mind you can set your families individual limits of the ages, gender and number of foster children you feel will work in your family.

Fostering is a wonderful way to help you children develop compassion and learn to daily share the love of Jesus with those in need. Seeing your family meet the needs of children in crisis will be a daily lesson of living out their faith in Jesus. Even the challenging times will encourage your children to see the eternal purpose of your service to foster children and give them an opportunity to grow in their faith.

As you enter fostering you will determine with your family what age groups works best for you. Some families take any age foster child. Some find they are best as a family when they only take children younger than their oldest biological child. Keep in mind that the greatest need in foster care is often for sibling groups and children ages 9 and older.

When a child or children needs to be placed the social worker will contact the foster family they feel would be a good fit. The family needs to be aware of what will work in their family dynamic and consider the information the caseworker currently has about the child/ren. The family then has the option to take the placement or not. It is a partnership between the family and the caseworker to find the best placement for the child/ren and for your family.

Do not underestimate eternal benefits for your family, your church and the foster children as you consider to open your home to these children in need.

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