You still have time to tell him... - Fostering Family Ministies
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You still have time to tell him...

Sherry Bouquet December 29, 2017

I drove into town Sunday afternoon with a few foster kids on the way home from church. One smote my heart with his observation. As we drove he had noticed several Fostering Family Ministries signs prominently displayed in front of a few churches.

"It's nice to see that so many churches care about us foster kids," he exclaimed.

Let that comment sit on your heart for a moment and contemplate the impact of his words.

The Fostering Family Ministries signs were created to continue to encourage church families to become foster families and volunteers to help our foster children heal. I did not realize the powerful message the signs would send to the foster children in our community about how the church cares for them. Each of those signs in various locations in the community stand as a silent testimony of love and support for our foster children.

Let's all put those words into action in not so silent ways! There is still time to join us and tell him and others you care. You can put shoe leather on that message in four tangible ways.

  1. Request a sign to show you care for foster children in our community.
  2. Give a year end donation to make a difference in the lives of foster children and the families who care for them.
  3. Volunteer to support a foster family and children with a couple of hours each month.
  4. Become a foster family for children in need.
According to Attorney General Mike DeWine, as of September 1st Ohio now has more than 15,000 children in foster care. However, there are less than 7,200 foster homes to meet that need! If every church raised up at least one foster family and supported that family with volunteers every child would have a loving, healing home. 

Don't let the opportunity to make a difference slip away. How will you help these children from hard places know we care? Sacrifice your time, your talents and your treasures to show them the love of God!

May 2018 bring hope and healing to the foster children in our midst.

For Hope and a Future,

Sherry Bouquet
Jeremiah 29:11

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